Things to Do in Duluth
Below are some images of our tour offerings and some other suggestions of things to get outside and do in Duluth and along the Minnesota Shore of Lake Superior in all different seasons! Images that are from our tours offer a link to the appropriate page for more information. Contact us if you have any questions! All photos are owned by Day Tripper of Duluth unless noted. Use without permission is prohibited.
Getting outside in Minnesota with the “stay at home” order (if it happens again)

Can we go outside to play?
Yes, you are most definitely allowed to head outside, even with the current “stay at home” order issued to mitigate the novel coronavirus. Governor Walz has emphasized that getting fresh air is very important for the body and mind. However, please do what you can to maintain your 6 feet of space from others. Many playgrounds are closed, so best to avoid going to those to avoid disappointment. Some state parks are open, however, all the buildings are closed. Be sure to check if your destination is open before going. Here is a link to the MN DNR info.
What can I do outside?
Pretty much any activity that can be done solo. Biking, running, hiking, skipping, throwing rocks, walking the dog (or turtle), even fishing are all allowed. Please don’t do these things in a group (unless it’s a group of your household/kids). Again, just keep that 6 foot distance from others.
How far is 6 feet?
Check out the informative poster from Duluth Parks & Rec about how far 6 feet is!
Is Day Tripper of Duluth open?
For the official wording and additional information please read the law here.
Operation Sanity Saver is here for you! Here’s the deal, Day Tripper of Duluth will be posting an outdoor related activity for you and your family to enjoy each day(ish). Most of these are geared towards families with kids (like us), thus the title of “Operation Sanity Saver.” Let’s get them outside and burn some energy, while maybe learning a bit about the outdoors as well! Don’t have kids? Play along anyhow, it’ll still be entertaining! Feel free to comment along and post pictures on our Instagram or Facebook pages and with #operationsanitysaver. This page will be updated regularly(ish) with all the activities we have posted. Our goal is to give everyone a fun thing to do no matter where you are.
Our activities will be showcased in Northern MN, but we’d love to hear and see of the same activity in another climate!

Please take a moment to check out all the tours we offer. We will resume regularly scheduled programing as soon as it is deemed safe.
Got an activity idea/photo? We’d love to hear it. Use the form below to get ahold of us.